Our Work
Here is what we do to through Our Strategic Focus Areas to conserve the environment
Strategic Focus Area 1
Conservation Research & Advocacy
Strategic Objective: To generate evidence-based support for conservation safeguarding, protection of biodiversity and community affected.
Out puts:
- Identify historical and cultural sites and document
- Map out and commission profiling of plants, medicinal, food diversity, birds, animals, among others in the natural reserves.
- Commission research arising from profiling details in collaboration with conservation Institutions and Universities.
- Organise periodic conservation fora and information sharing.
- Provide educative conservation messages through media and other learning platforms.
- Develop conservation and advocacy strategy.
- Build conservation collaborations with networks, institutions, and development partners to implement strategy.
- Build capacity of local level champions.
- Set up and manage a toll-free communication line for conservation support.
- Establish a conservation museum.
- Organize conservation/environmental walks.
- Compile conservation related policies, Acts, and position papers.
- Translate policies, Acts and position papers in local languages and formats that increase accessibility.
- Seek for /Provide legal support for conservation related matters.
- Educate population on conservation rights and protection.
- Organize public discourse through digital media and face to face dialogues.
- Develop annual conservation reports on key natural reserves.
Strategic Focus Area 2
Ecological Protection and Restoration
Strategic Objective: To institute guidelines, accountability and alternatives for conservation protection and restoration.
Out puts:
2.1 Conservation ordinances enacted and enforced in endangered districts.
2.1.1 Facilitate stakeholder’s meetings and sectoral meetings on conservation at District Council levels
2.1.2 Popularize ordinances developed and those existing e.g. Shea nut and Afrizella.
2.1.3 Organise ordinance performance review meeting with key stakeholders.
2.1.4 Provide legal aid and litigation services against abusers.
2.2 Public spaces and facilities demarcated by trees and woodlots.
2.2.1 Establish boundary trees in schools, health facilities, markets, places of worship and District Offices.
2.2.2 Establish community woodlots.
2.3 Alternative energy sources promoted in communities.
2.3.1 Map out key alternative energy sources easily accessible and affordable for the local community and key players.
2.3.2 Establish Private Public Partnership arrangements for alternative energy sources.
2.3.3 Set out demonstrations, support for roll out of alternative energy.
2.3.4 Document, exhibit and participate in national fora for alternative energy shows.
2.4 Eco-friendly enterprises promoted.
2.4.1 Undertake a labour scan to establish viable eco-friendly enterprise e.g. medicinal plants, apiary, carbon trade enterprises, briskets, garbage management among others.
2.4.2 Pilot enterprise with key community stakeholders and gradually roll out.
2.4.3 Set-out a learning herbarium and sales point for the public.
Strategic Focus Area 3
Organisational Leadership and growth
Strategic Objective: To enhance capacity of the Board and leadership to effectively perform its functions and realise organisation goal.
Out puts:
3.1 Organisational membership develop in line with constitution and company act requirements.
3.1.1 Recruit and induct members.
3.1.2 Conduct Annual General Meetings
3.1.3 Facilitate membership engagement meetings and events.
3.2 Board established and capacitated to perform functions.
3.2.1 Develop Board manual.
3.2.2 Conduct Board inductions, meetings, and trainings.
3.2.3 Develop new and review existing appropriate policies.
3.2.4 Conduct annual organisation reviews
3.2.5 Carry out regular joint monitoring activities with partners.